Kyabjé Tsikey Chökling Rinpoche (1953–2020) – Tender Recollections of a Marvelous Life
As published on Buddhistdoor Global, July 30th, 2021.
A Radical Approach to Well-Being
We are constantly evaluating everything that is happening, dividing all experience—no matter how trivial—into good and bad. And then we start to think about it, and then think about that in an almost endless torrent of thoughts. While it’s true that some things need our attention and require us to think them through, mostly we just do this on autopilot, because it is our habit. And this habit causes us a lot of misery.
So, the good news is that because it’s merely a habit that brings us so much dissatisfaction, we can do something about it. We can change this unhealthy dynamic just by making a slight, but radical shift in the way we view ourselves and the world around us.
As published on Rigpa, September 30th 2020.
Enfrentarse al miedo, la ansiedad y el pánico durante la pandemia
Durante la actual crisis sanitaria, debido a la propagación del virus que provoca el COVID-19, casi todos hemos tenido momentos de miedo y ansiedad. Quizás se trató de una preocupación por el estado de salud de un ser querido, la pérdida del trabajo o una sensación general de temor, ante un futuro distópico imaginario. ¡Y esto es probablemente sólo la punta del iceberg de la ansiedad! ¿Cómo podemos gestionar el miedo, la ansiedad y el pánico? Primero, tenemos que entender qué son realmente las sensaciones de miedo, ansiedad y pánico, y luego, podemos usar nuestra mente para asentarnos en un estado de equilibrio. Las buenas noticias son, que cualquiera puede aprender a hacerlo.
As published on Buddhistdoor en Español, July 3rd, 2020.
Coping with Fear, Anxiety, and Panic During the Pandemic
During this current health crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19, nearly all of us have experienced moments of fear and anxiety. Perhaps it was concern for the health of a loved-one, the loss of a job, or a general sense of dread due to imagining a dystopian future. And that is probably just the tip of the anxiety iceberg! How can we manage panic, fear, and anxiety? The first thing we can do is to understand what these feelings really are, and then we can use our minds to settle into a state of equipoise. The good news is that anyone can learn to do this.
As published on Buddhistdoor Global, July 2nd, 2020
Whatever Arises in Your Mind, Be Present
How does meditation work? Phakchok Rinpoche and Erric Solomon say it gives your distracted mind a job. With practice, you can learn to be present with whatever arises.
As published on Lion’s Roar, February 25th 2020
El enfoque radical del Buda para trabajar con la mente
Mi maestro, Kyabjé Tulku Urgyen Rimpoché, a menudo solía decir que «samsara es la mente vuelta hacia el exterior perdida en sus proyecciones, nirvana es la mente vuelta hacia el interior reconociendo su verdadera naturaleza». Esta declaración sencilla es una bella descripción de la comprensión profunda que tuvo el Buda sobre la naturaleza de la mente, lo que revela la naturaleza de la realidad. Está señalando el hecho de que nuestro hábito es enfocarnos en los pensamientos, emociones y sensaciones de la mente, sin investigar cuál es su base.
As published on Buddhistdoor en Español, January 14th 2020.
Descubriendo la felicidad radical
El maestro budista tibetano Phakchok Rimpoché, y el veterano ingeniero y emprendedor de Silicón Valley y profesor de meditación budista, Erric Solomon, hacen una gran combinación en su libro, Radicalmente feliz. Guía de usuario para una mente plena. Con humor, simplicidad y una profunda comprensión, comparten su conocimiento y experiencias en el camino para encontrar una felicidad genuina y sostenible.
Buddhistdoor en Español conversa con Erric Solomon sobre los ingredientes principales del libro.
Discovering Radical Happiness
A Tibetan Buddhist master, Phakchok Rinpoche, and a veteran Silicon Valley engineer-entrepreneur and Buddhist meditation teacher, Erric Solomon, make a great combination in their book, Radically Happy: A User's Guide to the Mind (Shambhala Publications 2018), sharing with humor, simplicity, and deep understanding, their knowledge and experiences in the path to finding a genuine and sustainable happiness.
Buddhistdoor Global talks with Erric Solomon about the basic ingredients in the book.
What Devotion Really Is, Part 1 – Devotion Beyond Concepts
What is devotion? Is there something about the guru/disciple relationship that makes it unsuited to the modern world? If this relationship is truly essential to swiftly making progress along the path, how can we do so safely, especially in light of some of the stories we have recently had to hear about?
As published on Samye Institute, July 9th 2019.
What to Do When Your Dharma Group Doesn’t Get Along
What to do when spiritual friendships turn into spiritual feuds? Erric Solomon draws on management principles, dharma teachings, and personal experience to offer practical tips for dealing with conflict in dharma groups.
As published on Lion’s Roar, April 5th 2019.
Here’s How Practicing Gratitude Can Get You Out of the Comparison Trap
Being mindful of what you have can bring you happiness.
As published on Thrive Global, March 12th 2019.
6 Ways to Take a Pause and Reset During the Work Day
The good news: Even just stopping for a minute can make a huge difference.
As published on Thrive Global, February 18th, 2019
Creating a Confident Mind
How to behave more like a lion and less like a dog.
As published on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, Fall 2018.