Bringing together decades of Buddhist practice, a high-powered Silicon Valley career, and an abundant sense of humour, Erric speaks with an authenticity grounded in experience.

Drawing on his life in the fast-paced, always on wired world, and his study under the guidance of some of the greatest masters of our time, Erric creates a bridge between modern insight and ancient wisdom.

To invite Erric to speak, teach or collaborate, please feel free to email him directly at, or send a message below.

Events Schedule

Radically Happy at Lerab Ling
to Dec 12

Radically Happy at Lerab Ling

Can we really find contentment and meaning in this incredibly stressful, hectic, always on, wired world? Yes! By understanding our mind and our heart, we can make a slight change in our perspective which creates a radical shift in our life.

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Touching Ground
to Oct 10

Touching Ground

In this retreat, we will explore what it means to be in touch with our ground, exploring how we experience it and how this can support us. What do we already feel, sense and know about being in touch with the ground? How does bringing our attention to the body help us in this process?

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8 Verses of Mind Training [Weekly]
to Dec 28

8 Verses of Mind Training [Weekly]

Every aspect of our existence is permeated by bliss. However, out of habit, we misunderstand the very essence of who we really are.

Hosted online every Wednesday at 7pm CEST, Gomde Germany-Austria invites you to join us as we playfully explore our mind, our heart and our world.

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Net Zero and Beyond

Net Zero and Beyond

Over the coming years, what we do to get to carbon net zero (when the amount of greenhouse gases we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount we take away) will have a major impact on the world we live in.

Following the serialisation of Gomde UK’s carbon net zero strategy in recent weeks we are now delighted to invite you to a special webinar where you can learn more about our plans for a carbon-neutral future.

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Bhūmi Book Club
to May 28

Bhūmi Book Club

In this circle we will come to know our mind, deepen our meditation practices, and learn how to cultivate radical happiness — a happiness not dependent on our outer circumstances. 

Reading Radically Happy slowly (part 1), we will come together in sisterhood with lively conversation, and are blessed to have teachings straight from the source, Erric! This book is truly radical and liberating! It’s likely to change your life and perspective with its ancient, and grounded wisdom.

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to Feb 7

Being in touch with the ground of our true nature

The four immeasurable qualities of the awakened mind.

Equanimity, Compassion, Loving-Kindness, and Joy are taught and practiced in many spiritual traditions including all Buddhist schools. The actual practice and its effect are closely connected to each tradition and its philosophical view.

In this course, we will follow the tradition of the great Dzogchen masters with a special emphasis on how each of these qualities is already an essential part of the awakened mind.

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Weekly Meditation Group
to Jul 14

Weekly Meditation Group

Compassion (karuna) and Loving Kindness (metta) is pointing to the possibility that our fully realized potential is an inconceivable well-spring beyond any limit.

During these seminars, we’ll explore what is the potential of human existence and how can we begin to realize it.

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to Oct 4

Radically Happy: Coping in a Chaotic World

All people want to be happy and lead a meaningful life, but the way we normally try to bring about this brings about very temporary happiness at best and, at worst, leads to blatant dissatisfaction and suffering. By changing our way of life only slightly, but at the same time radically, we can develop a subtle feeling of contentment and wellbeing, even when things really don't work as expected.

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